Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Godparent definition

Christian baptism ceremony : a godfather or godmother. A male godparent is a godfather , and a female godparent is a godmother. Get a God parent mug for your cousin Vivek.

A person who presents a child at baptism and promises to take responsibility for their religious education. English dictionary definition of godparent.

The ( particularly) modern definition of a godparent is “an individual chosen by the . A godparent is chosen by the parents of a newborn Catholic. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. Define godparent (noun) and get synonyms. Godparent definition , a godfather or godmother.

Being a godparent is a rather lovely life-affirming concept. The definition of a godmother is a woman who is an advisor to a child.

A woman who serves as a sponsor of a child when the child is baptized is an example of a. Video is created with the help of , if you are looking for accurate, professional translation services and. In the modern baptism of an infant or child the godparent or godparents. Today, the word godparent might not have explicitly religious . A frequently asked question regarding the meaning of the word godparent.

Wiktionary, Creative Commons . My husband and I used to teach the Baptism class for new parents at our parish. Typically , a godmother or godfather for that matter, is someone close to a family, such as a relative. Originally Answered: What is the meaning of godmother ? Synonyms for godparent at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for godparent.

If you have been given the honor of becoming a godparent you will appreciate the information contained on this page. Meaning and Definition of godparent. Since the early Church, sponsors and godparents have held an.

Greek word meaning “instruction”) and started three years of spiritual . Please explain the role of godparents in Catholic baptism.

How strictly should the potential godparents adhere to traditional Catholic teaching? Te elegimos para ser el padrino de nuestra hija porque eres muy responsable . When the time for an infant baptism arrives, it is also the time for the parents to select the godparents. This is a matter of tremendous spiritual . Condensed definition of Assemblies of God Parent Affiliated Churches: A Parent Affiliated Church (PAC) is an outreach of an existing General Council Affiliated . Nina (patlina) and Ninu (patlino) , meaning godmother and godfather , respectively, are borrowed terms from the Spanish padrina and padrino.

The role of godparents is very important in the Latino community. Learn more about godparent responsibilities at HR Block.

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